Price Comparison Between Countries

PowerBI Dashboard Part 1

This dashboard was created to address the need for verifying whether contract agreements are being fulfilled. Fishermen in Iceland are paid a certain percentage of the export price after deducting additional costs. However, there is no publicly available data to fact-check this agreement. I developed an approach to roughly verify if these agreements are honored and to monitor for significant changes by comparing fishermen's pay as a proportion of export prices.
Source of data: Iceland Statistics ( and Verðlagsstofa (

Fish Prices Comparison

PowerBI Dashboard Part 2

This dashboard was created to meet the request for a way to compare fish prices between Iceland and other countries. It shows both the first price (the price that fishermen receive) and the export price.
Source of data: EUMOFA (

Employee Trends Dashboard

PowerBI Dashboard Part 3

This dashboard displays the trend in the number of people working in the fishing industry in Iceland, as well as the trend in pay per person after adjusting for inflation. It has a live connection to the Iceland Statistics website, ensuring that it always shows the most up-to-date data. Source of data: Iceland Statistics (

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